"Ain't I a woman?" -Sojourner Truth

The Declaration of Sentiments was written with similarities to the Declaration of Independence. It related how women were being oppressed in society to how the colonies were treated.

One of the houses that Harriet Tubman owned.

This shows the story of Adam and Eve from a women's perspective. Essentially, women don't need a man but men need women. In this story eating the forbidden fruit was justified because Eve needed something that picking flowers and Adam couldn't satisfy. Throughout the museum I saw how it was believed that women needed men and they couldn't do things on their own. This perspective of the biblical story Adam and Eve allowed men to see how women are truly independent creatures.

This is a picture of Sojourner Truth. In this piece she talks about the pain of being a mother who is a slave. I can't imagine the pain she felt having her children that she loved just ripped away from her without her being able to do anything about it. When she says she "cried out with my mother's grief" I feel like she's not only talking about the pain of losing her children but the knowledge horribly they will be treated.

At the Seneca Falls National Park this was one display that stood out to me. In the display it shows how as a society we really haven't changed. To me the magazines represent how women were and still are objectified. Women used to have to wear corsets which caved in their ribs and cause a multitude of other health problems. Women needed to have a hour glass figure and pale white skin that they achieved with white powder. "Beauty is pain" seemed to be the common phrase among women in society because of all the pain they had to endure to fit the standards of beauty set by societal ideals.

Women were also looked down at if they wore something outside of the norm, such as pants. Today we like to pride ourselves on advancing and changing our views but if a man were to wear a dress or skirt it's wrong. Feminism is just about gaining rights for equality among women. To me feminism is about gaining equal rights for all genders so that a certain class of people won't be ridiculed for doing something from another class.
This field trip was really eye opening to me allowing me to learn more about the history and trials women had to endure. I realized that as women we overcame much adversity and we still have much more to overcome.


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