Of the many pictures I took from this Saturdays field trip, these four from the Seneca Falls Museum to be most interesting to me. These photos stood out among the rest because in each of them colorful and eye-attracting strategies were taken by the artists to draw attention to issues involving women's rights. The top left says "We have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end," the top right piece has a little message that says, "The most courageous act is to think for yourself," the middle three paintings say "Persist," "Speak," "Awake," and the bottom displays four chickens holding up signs that say "What the cluck," "Rotten Egg," "Fowl," and "Eggsasperated." Each of these pieces of artwork has a level of creativity to it that I find very intriguing. They are vibrant not only in their makeup, but in their messages. These offered the same themes as some of the texts that we have looked at in class, such as being strong and speaking out against wrong doings and oppression,  however they delivered them in a way that stands out much more.


  1. These were some of the pieces that I, too, found to be among my favorite from the trip. I really admire the creativity behind each of them. The message behind each piece is important and powerful, while the visual nature of each one is appealing and satisfying to observe, as you said. Being a person wit a dreadful lack of creativity, I have immense respect for the artists behind these works. These people were able to take a message and a topic that is controversial and difficult to discuss and turn it into an attractive and eye catching piece of art that helps to propel and initiate important conversations about feminism and inequality.

  2. I was so upset when I was not able to come on this field trip, but I am so happy that many of you guys took pictures! These pieces of art caught my eye on your blog for the same reason they caught your eye in person. I too thought they were so colorful and creative. The chicken puns in the last image especially made me laugh. I also think the painting of the girl in the third photo is beautiful I love the colors they used and the message is beautiful a well.


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