No Means No !

I’ve heard stories of how people said that she got what she deserved. How she’s promiscuous so she must have wanted it. Or how people attempt to justify it by saying “she liked it”. A while ago I read an article by Marilyn Frye titled “Oppression”. Frye says, “If one dresses one way, one is subject to the assumption that one is advertising one’s sexual availability…” In a world where short shorts and a bralette are considered a suitable outfit, thinking that the way one dresses insinuates their sexual availability is a huge problem.

In America we love to pride ourselves on the fact that we’re the home of the free, but our immigrants don’t seem to have the same legal rights. Many immigrant women stay with their abusive spouses because they fear deportation or how your economic status and the color of your skin determines the likelihood you’ll experience assault. We’re living in a time where male on female rape isn’t the only type of assault we have to worry about in our society. It’s a scary thought to think about, but anyone can have a non-consensual sexual act performed on them by whomever. I like how my university defines that any sexual penetration and any intentional sexual touching is considered sexual misconduct and is therefore punishable. It allows students to know that it is not okay to touch another person without proper consent no matter what your impression of them might be.

In the article “A Letter to My Students” I would have to agree with the author when they mention the fact that on college campuses students rape students. It’s our duty as classmates to one another to prevent rape from occurring. Sometimes it can be hard to speak out about a topic that can make you feel uncomfortable but your safety and peace of mind is important. Rape is a hard and uncomfortable subject to discuss. It makes a person feel powerless and maybe even feel as if they lost their dignity. As friends of these students it’s important to be there for a friend and validate their experience. It’s no one’s fault that someone took advantage of them and by being there and listening to a friend helps.

-Tatiana F.


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