Who's protecting us?

          As a country we like to get involved in the affairs of others, believing that we can help. However, in our own country we are hurting civilians whether they have documents or not. I read an article by Sylvanna Falcon in which she discussed how our military rape people crossing the Mexican-American borders. The article by Falcon titled “Rape as a Weapon of War: Militarized Rape at the U.S.-Mexico Border” goes into detail about how the perpetrators of these rape crimes don’t get punished like they should. These men rape for various reasons including for recreational purposes, national security, and for systematic reasons. Our military personnel are taking women’s legal papers, threatening them with the fear of deportation, making them vulnerable and easier to manipulate. Claims against these rapists are heard by deaf ears. There is no justice being done.

          In class on Wednesday we watched a video about the military and how these men go around raping other women who serve in the military with them. I never considered the military to be a place where crime takes place, especially crimes where no justice is ever given. One women had her jaw messed up so bad she’s in chronic pain and unable to pay for her surgery. The military won’t pay for it, finding every excuse in the book not to. This lady’s abuser is still in the military, actually gaining ranks. Another woman, who was on active duty serving her country, was raped and impregnated. She not only fell with child, but she gained STD’s from this man. The commanding officers in the military were no help. They did nothing to stop these crimes, in fact when women did report their abusers the women got punished.

          Last week we read about the male superiority complex and how men need to feel like they are empowered. I can see how this relates to the various crimes of the military. These men not only rape women but men as well. Straight, heterosexual males in my opinion wouldn’t rape other men to find sexual gratification. These rapists are raping to feel powerful. It seems the higher the ranking is the easier it is to be above the law with no one stopping these rapists. Not only as civilians is there an innate fear of one another but now a fear of our authority figures. So, who’s really protecting us?

I have no words for this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmWBrN7QV6Y
-Tatiana F.


  1. When we were going over these topics in class I found myself feeling all kinds of emotions. From infuriation, frustration, to sadness. I agree with you that these men are not only disgusting but do these horrific acts in order to feel powerful. I also think how you ended this blog post with the question of, "who's really protected us?" was so powerful.


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