
In reading “A Peril In a War Zone”, I found it surprising that the army took many measures to ensure that sexual assault and rape victims have a place to go to not only to get medical attention, but to also get counseling without having to open up a criminal investigation. Although these rules and regulations are set in place, they are not always taken advantage of because either victims are too afraid to come forward due to the stigma surrounding sexual assault, or the fear that they could potentially cause harm or disrupt a mission. This is something I had never considered before reading this article. It is sad that these victims have to choose the mission and over their own wellbeing and mental health. Not only this, but sometimes when reporting their experiences of sexual violence, women will be blamed for what happened and punished for engaging in misconduct which could be seen as leaving one’s post. This victim blaming makes it even harder for people to come forward and feel comfortable telling others. 

Jane Harman stated a disturbing and frightening declaration that “A woman in the military is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire in Iraq”. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be off at war and feel so isolated and helpless when it comes to getting assistance and support after experiencing sexual violence. In “Living and Fighting Alongside Men, and Fitting In”, it brings attention to the fact that the availability of birth control allows for women to be accepted as members into the army easier. It was also surprising to read that the military did not have substantial resources to and were not prepared to house women. I recently read an article about this all women’s army from Canada who assembled due to the lack of resources provided to them as well as aggression they faced from their male peers. Perhaps the answer to solving sexual violence in the army is for women to separate and form their own groups. However, is this counterproductive? 
-Jane B


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