Event Review: This is Not a Play About Sex

I’ve been to plays before but I never been to one that blatantly talked about sex. I think it was a very enriching experience to see this play. It was about various different sexual stereotypes and how some sexual things shouldn’t be talked about. Different scenes in the play talked about how on campus there is a hookup culture. Apparently, at my university students tend to hookup a lot during parties. In the play there was even a joke of how people hookup with the next step being breakfast, then dinner, then holding hands in public. The theme of the play was basically accepting yourself and understanding your wants. I liked how the play discussed the “taboo” in sexual relations such as being queer or masturbating or being different in body types.

A scary thing the play pointed out was the rape culture on this campus. It’s something everyone knows happens especially since we’re college kids and most of us like to drink. The play held a cruiser scene in which there was a girl getting harassed by a boy. Nobody on the bus said anything and when the girl got off the boy did too. The actor in the play seemed drunk. He got off the cruiser at the same stop as the girl he was harassing and the play alluded to rape. The next scene was a discussion on how to help someone who was raped and how it’s important to be there for you friend and to take care of yourself.

This play relates to a lot of what is discussed in class and how we embrace positive sexuality. It focused on accepting yourself and how it’s okay to want different things. Some people want a boyfriend and some people want to just hookup. Some people are religious and some people are not. It’s important to respect yourself and to respect others whether what they want or believe differs from you.
-Tatiana F.


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