News Flash: Taking a Knee

As Americans, football is one of our favorite pastimes. On super bowl weekend families and friends are coming together with various chips and sandwiches and wings to watch the big game. However, the major buzz in the news recently involves one star player: Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick was the quarterback for the 49ers but he is no longer signed with them or with anyone for that matter. Colin Kaepernick started something in 2016 by not standing for the United States anthem. This year, 2017, he came back and decided still not to stand for the anthem. He wanted to protest police brutality and racial injustice. The reason Kaepernick gave for not standing for the anthem was that he wanted to spark an uncomfortable conversation that we need to have. Kaepernick shows how in society sparking an uncomfortable conversation pushes you into the corner so the real issues won’t have to be dealt with, relating to how in social situations women are also silenced and meant to be seen and not heard because they are the weaker creatures of the human race.

The American dream seems to have died long ago. Lutie Johnson once proposed the idea that “Everyday we are choking down that rage”. A rage that stems from the many injustices that are ignored in society. We Americans love to pride ourselves on freedom of speech and freedom of expression but as soon as someone decides to “rock the boat” it’s wrong. We don’t want to have to deal with the hard stuff which is why we rather read memes than read the news. We live in a country where being a parent, or more importantly a mother, would make life more difficult (Crittenden, 2001). A society in which being a woman makes is seen as weak. In this world being even slightly darker than the walls of the average American hospital puts you at a disadvantage for almost everything. What Kaepernick hopes to do with his protest is to start a conversation about one of the issues that society ignores.

Now President Trump is a man of very few words but the words he used to describe Kaepernick and his protest isn’t something that should be regarded lightly as another one of his tantrums. In the article "Colin Kaepernick has won: he wanted a conversation and Trump started it.” Trump is calling his fellow citizen a son of a B… because he decided to bring attention to the racial injustice that is felt and seen throughout America. This same man actually defended the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who sparked the torchlight controversy in Charlottesville, Virginia (Cox, p.1). He said they were just defending the past. Many people were hurt even killed on that day but yet President Trump doesn’t call them out, he doesn’t try to do anything about it. This is similar to what women experience and how they can’t say or do certain things or else their actions will be condemned with extreme consequences. A man can say “Give me liberty or give me death” but for a woman to make the same statement she has to utter apologies and invalidate her stance by making herself seem unsure and weak. Kaepernick in this situation is condemned much like a woman would be.

In the article “NFL To Colin Kaepernick: We're Cool With Crime, But Opinions Are Bad For Our Brand” it’s perceived that “offering an opinion while being black” is the only crime Kaepernick actually committed. Kaepernick protested the United States anthem, which in itself is a song that supports the tradition of slavery and a racial divide. Americans tend to ignore the fact that this anthem has more than one verse with lines like “No refuge could save the hireling and slave” and “Then conquer we must”. These lines show the song was created to celebrate the oppression of black people caused by whites. Kaepernick is being pressed to stand and support a song that expresses how black people are subordinate to the white man, which is similar to how women are oppressed by men thorough sexist comments and actions. In class we talked about how something as insignificant as holding a door open for a woman is a form of oppression because the man is assuming she can’t do it herself so he needs to step in but when a woman actually needs help men are nowhere to be found.

People are being hushed and are trying to “take a knee” on the issue of racial injustice. Nobody is signing Kaepernick to play on their team but when Michael Vick was actually sent to prison for a crime he committed he was signed as soon as he got out (Forbes, 2017). Michael Vick was the same age as Colin Kaepernick when Kaepernick decided to sit instead of stand for the anthem causing racial injustice and police brutality to be in the forefront of American’s minds. Michael Vick, while black didn’t try to change the institutions the majority holds dear. It can be undoubtedly assumed that Kaepernick is faced with a tough decision. On one hand he worked long and hard to become a star quarterback and on the other he feels a need to speak up for people who are unable to do so themselves. This leaves Kaepernick faced with the decision of whether to continue to fight racial injustice in America and lose all that he worked for, possibly never being able to play professional football again, along with many Americans hating him or he can stop trying to fight a war the majority doesn’t want to be fought. He’s losing options and is facing the pressure to pick which door he wants to open, otherwise it will be chosen for him. Unlike Kaepernick having an option, though it’s slowly being stripped from him, women are seen as fragile creatures so decisions need to be made for them by the ever so competent men. Women aren't claimed not to be smart enough or capable enough to follow their own self-made future.

What’s even more enraging is the fact that Ray Lewis had the audacity to approach Kaepernick and tell him what he does behind closed doors should remain a secret but once he opens these doors he needs to basically put on a show (Forbes, 2017). These words of wisdom come from a black man who was almost convicted of a double homicide and the only reason he was let free was because he finally told his part in the crime while also implicating his friends (Forbes, 2017). What Lewis tries to preach women have been forced to practice for years. A woman must not utter a word against another person always being proper. She must keep her true thoughts locked away, never to be heard. A woman is allowed to be seen but her thoughts and opinions must never be heard. In relation to a class discussion that we had, a woman’s mind is filled with silly things such as love and having kids never having anything serious to contribute to a man’s conversation.

Nobody knows who committed the murders Ray Lewis was connected to but he was let free with a misdemeanor for his part in the murders. My theory is that Lewis didn’t tell “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” rather just enough to implicate himself a tiny bit and throw the blame at someone else. Lewis tries to add more pressure on Kaepernick to just let the whole issue go and move on. Being a black man in a country that literally targets you should make you want to stand up and fight for equality. It makes no sense to tell someone who is advocating on your behalf to hush up and follow the white man. Lewis is mesmerized by the jewels and other shiny objects that he believes is being gifted to him while in actuality it’s a tool being used as a leash to keep him at bay and follow his master without causing any problems. Kaepernick is the prime example of being trapped by society. He’s being pushed away from the team that once had his back being called a “distraction” and is being blamed for “splitting” the locker room, as discussed inNFL GM: Colin Kaepernick lacks 'maturity,' leadership needed from QB”. Nobody wants to hire the football player that can think for himself. Nobody wants to believe that racism is still a prevalent issue and a worthy cause to speak up against. Nobody wants to be told they are privileged and that talent and skill alone weren’t the only reasons for the easy life that they have.

In football the quarterback of the winning team will often take a knee in order to waste time resulting in the end of the play. Right now a knee is being taken and with fingers being crossed, Kaepernick will fade into the background and eventually will be forgotten. Time is being bought for this conversation to end and by making decisions more difficult for Kaepernick he is backed into a corner where inevitably his freedom of speech is being taken from him with punishments for his actions. The situation with Kaepernick reminds me about the movement for women’s rights. Women are now allowed to vote and are considered for more jobs than before, however these are the jewels given to women to keep them distracted from the fact that they make seventy-one cents to a man’s dollar (Jcombopiano, 2017). Both women and the situation Kaepernick is going through shows that the majority doesn't want to acknowledge the inequality within in it. Society wants to believe in fairy tales and rainbows and anyone who try's to obstruct this ideal needs to be taken care of.

-Tatiana F.


Carpenter, Les. "Colin Kaepernick has won: he wanted a conversation and Trump started it." The Guardian. September 24, 2017. Accessed October 13, 2017. donald-trump-anthem-kneel.

Cox, Karen L. "Analysis | The whole point of Confederate monuments is to celebrate white supremacy." The Washington Post. August 16, 2017. Accessed October 13, 2017. tid=ss_fb&utm_term=.e15e9ff5e0a3.

Crittenden, Ann. "The Mommy Tax." In The Price Of Motherhood, 87-109. 2001.

Day, Cartoon Of The. "NFL To Colin Kaepernick: We're Cool With Crime, But Opinions Are Bad For Our Brand." Forbes. August 12, 2017. Accessed October 13, 2017.              kaepernick-were-cool-with-crime-but-opinions-are-bad-for-our-brand        unpatriotic/#6172c7ca5937.

Herreria, Carla. "Donald Trump: Colin Kaepernick Would've Stopped Protest If NFL  Suspended Him." The Huffington Post. October 11, 2017. Accessed October 13, 2017. kaepernick_us_59dea778e4b0fdad73b1e7c1?utm_hp_ref=colin-kaepernick.

Jcombopiano. "Women's Earnings and Income." Catalyst. June 21, 2017. Accessed October 13,  2017.

"Killing Rage: Militant Resistance bell hooks." Accessed October 13, 2017. 8088264C33ECC73C209846599&rd=1&h=Gvky3f5mpClJGrSJRNAQBcxVvriVuex1mT            5eLJTo8o&v=1& S2006%2fcomp%2fKillingRage.pdf&p=DevEx,5049.1.
Kristian Dyer Contributor @KristianRDyer Published on Sep. 1, 2017 Sep. 1, 2017. "NFL GM: Colin Kaepernick lacks 'maturity,' leadership needed from QB." Sporting News.           September 01, 2017. Accessed October 13, 2017.  national-anthem-free-agency/rbykh567n51u1jgydgen8d4ns.

Petri, Alexandra. "Opinion | Famous quotes, the way a woman would have to say themduring a meeting." The Washington Post. October 13, 2015. Accessed October 13, 2017.


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