It's society right?

Every time I think I know something new that clues in the pieces of the term feminism something new is learned. It’s frustrating to know how much of a struggle all women have to go through to achieve some type of equality in comparison to men. It’s frustrating to know that women are still seen as less than men and thus are treated that way. TI-Grace Atkinson explains the common misconception of when people call this inequality “battle of the sexes”. Atkinson goes on to explain that implying a battle means that there is some sort of balance between the two. This article helped me to further realize how much of a struggle women had to go through just to be where we are today.

In another article titled “Prologue: The Re-emergence of the ‘Woman Question’” had a line that stuck with me throughout the rest of the article. The author wrote “women were effective, but men were the stars”. At first I thought the author was trying to be clever with the use of their words. However, continuing the article I learned about how white women accepted a black man’s sexual advance in order to feel better about themselves while the black men just wanted power over the white women. I’d like to believe that women over came this issue of sexual advances but I know that similar situations still happen today though for different reasons and in different ways. Women were effective in this change but men will always be the one on top. Even in the article it was written “Women often resisted making commitments to particular men, because they were not satisfied with the quality of those relationships…”
These articles make me wonder where did the idea of believing someone to be lesser than someone else come from and why did that make people think it was okay to take away another person’s rights?
-Tatiana F.


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