It's My Body

Imagine looking down and seeing in your arms the most adorable little baby. It’s sleeping peacefully right now and you can’t help but to imagine the life this child, your child, will have. It was a scary process getting to where you are now but it’s over and you did it. However, other women aren’t as fortunate to look down and see their breathing baby, if the mother herself even survived.

In the article “Why is U.S. Mortality So High?” it questions the country’s death rate regarding birth. It discusses how it would be more beneficial to have a baby when you plan for it because you are more prepared financially and emotionally. If we had better access to health care, less poverty, and access to family planning then it would save lives. Some people are anti-abortion and wouldn’t want to hear how this article tells readers that abortions save lives and it’s true because there could be a number of things wrong as to why that mother shouldn’t or can’t have a baby. In the much debated topic of how women should or shouldn’t be allowed to get abortions one side doesn’t really look at the issue of how birth differs from abortion because it’s not only killing the baby but the mother too.

I couldn’t read the article by Atul Gawande “How Childbirth Went Industrial.” without grimacing. I always heard about how childbirth is a miracle and it’s a beautiful process but the way it’s described by Gawande I can’t help but to think I will never be ready to endure that pain. Labor is such a painful and long process with so many complications attached to it it’s amazing how many women still go through with it. There’s a forty percent chance of infection after your water breaks if in twenty-four hours you don’t deliver. There’s other infections, bleeding torrentially, hemorrhages, obstruction of labor and many other problems that can occur during delivery. Crochet is another term I learned in which the baby’s skull is crushed. Women are very strong creatures to push a being out of a hole that is way smaller than it.

-Tatiana F.


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